22.06.2017: Build your Lean Startup with Design Thinking

22.06.2017: Build your Lean Startup with Design Thinking

Lean Startup is awesome for validating, refining and pivoting ideas, but how do you go about generating new concepts?

In this hands-on workshop you will go from sticky problem to lean solution in just 90 minutes, defining your customer segment and learning ideation techniques on the way. The workshop will be run by Steffi Kieffer (Revelate) and Thomas Hartmann (str84wd Products), packing a combined 25+ years experience in building digital products and coaching companies from DAX corporations to early stage startups.

Heads-up: We will be asking for participants to pitch problems at the beginning of the session, so if there is an issue in the world you would like to see fixed, be sure to bring that along

Location: Lebensversicherung von 1871 a. G. München


Steffi Kieffer, revelate
Thomas Hartmann, str84wd

Meetup-Event: https://www.meetup.com/DT-Muc/events/240764548/

Xing-Event: https://www.xing.com/events/build-your-lean-startup-with-design-thinking-1827799


Build your Lean Startup with Design Thinking



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