Treffen am 19. November 2015

Treffen am 19. November 2015

Thema: "Research for the Rest", Workshop Event

Vortragende: Rachel Simpson, Google

Knowing what to build and how to build it means doing qualitative research at every step of the way, whether you're at a small startup or a large company. In this workshop, Rachel will give a short introduction to the topic of Design Research, especially targeted at people who aren't researchers. The workshop will include a live usability test demo, and a hands-on portion will introduce participants to running their own usability test. A wrap up discussion will help attendees explore how they might integrate usability testing into our own day to day work.

Rachel is currently working as a UX Designer on the Google Chrome team. She has worked with award winning Design Agencies, Startups and Software Companies and frequently speaks on topics related to Design, User Research and prototyping. In her free time, she organizes events. She was one of the original co-founders of Make Munich, a yearly festival of all things DIY. She also started Munich Design Jam, and is a local coordinator on the team of IxDA Munich.

Event-Link zur Registrierung:  https://www.xing.com/events/19-11-research-for-the-rest-workshop-design-thinking-muc-1619900

Zu Gast sind wir bei freeletics, https://www.freeletics.com/, die uns auch mit Essen und Trinken versorgt haben. Vielen herzlichen Dank dafür!

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